I’m excited to bring you another workout on my blog. I’ve posted about health and wellness a lot lately given my current cancer diagnosis and health protocols. However, I actually wrote this workout last summer, just a few days after I received my diagnosis. I had met a friend at the track for some sprints and stairs, and then I tailored the workout to make it at-home friendly.
Did anybody quit their gym in the last year due to the current situation in the world? We did. It was closed for six months, and by the time it reopened, we had outfitted our basement with more equipment, loved the time savings of not driving to the gym, and just stayed home. There are certainly a few things that we miss (saunas, the huge pool for the kids, lap swimming any time, cables), but mostly we don’t miss it.
I’m a big believer that you do NOT need a gym to get a terrific workout. Use what you’ve got and get creative, and you’ll be amazed at what you can do. I’m also a big believer in the power of short workouts! It’s amazing what you can do in 10-20 minutes! In fact, I did these 12-minute workouts for quite a while when I was really getting into strength training more. 12 minutes, and I was toast!
Fitness FAQ’s for 20 Minute Stair Workout for Runners…
1. What kind of equipment do I need for this workout?
Maybe a pair of running shoes if that makes you feel more comfortable, but really that’s it. (I would NOT do this workout in socks…just bare feet or shoes.) If you want to make this workout even more advanced you could wear a weighted vest or ankle weights, but I certainly feel it just fine using only my body weight.
2. What does AMRAP mean?
AMRAP stands for “as many reps as possible.” You will work through this series of six exercises as many times as you can in 10 minutes (for beginners), 15 minutes (for intermediates), and 20 minutes (for an advanced workout). Just set a timer and go!
3. What if I need a low-impact option?
Substitute any squat hops for “walk 2, squat 1.” Substitute walking for running. For toe taps, simply walk one foot at a time up to the first stair and walk both feet back down.
Alrighty, here we go!
20 Minute Stair Workout for Runners
- Perform all 6 exercises before starting over from the top. Go through the circuit as many times as you can in 10 minutes (beginners), 15 minutes (intermediates), or 20 minutes (advanced).
Exercise 1: Toe Taps + Run Every Stair
- Perform 25, 40, or 50 toe taps (beginner, intermediate, and advanced options).
- Stay light on your toes as you perform the toe taps. (Think “light, quiet feet!”)
- For a low impact option for toe taps, step one foot up and then the other foot up to the first stair, and then step back down before repeating.
- Option to walk every stair if that feels better for you.
- Walk or run back down to begin exercise #2.
Exercise 2: Side Lunges + Squat Hops
- Perform 10 side lunges per leg, then squat + hop up the stairs!
- Sit back in your hips and feel a stretch on the inside of your straightened leg as you lunge over your bent leg.
- Low-impact option to skip the hop and just walk 2, squat 1 for squat hops!
Exercise 3: Walk 2, Squat 1
- As you squat, keep your head moving straight down in a straight line as your hips go back (like you’re sitting in a chair).
Exercise 4: Forward Lunge + Run Every Stair
- Perform 10, 15, or 20 forward lunges, alternating legs, then run up the stairs!
- Knees behind toes as you lunge!
- Option to walk every stair if that feels better for you.
Exercise 5: Toe Taps + Run Every Other Stair
- Perform 25, 40, or 50 toe taps (beginner, intermediate, and advanced options).
- Stay light and quiet on your feet as you tap!
- See low impact options from Exercise 1 here!
Exercise 6: Bulgarian Split Squats + Walk 2, Squat 1
- Perform 10 split squats per leg, then walk 2, squat 1 up the stairs.
- Keep knee in line with your ankle as you do the Bulgarian split squats.
Optional Finisher: Run up the stairs for 2-5 minutes!
- Still have gas in the tank? Set the timer for 2-5 minutes and run (or walk) up the stairs without stopping!
Drop me a line!