Hi! Welcome to Sprinting Spoon! My little corner of the inter webs…
I’m Stacey. I’m a real food cook and personal trainer, passionate about health and wellness. A seven year battle with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis drove me to dig in to my health so I could start feeling better from the inside out. I’m passionate about helping people learn to cook real food and workout efficiently despite their already busy lives.
When I’m not blogging, you’ll probably find me hanging with my family, teaching and performing as a singer, or enjoying one of my zillion hobbies–card making, hand lettering, knitting, archery, and reading, to name a few!
I truly believe that food should make you feel great but it should also be totally delicious. Workouts should be fun and get you the results that you want without taking all day long. Pursuing your healthiest and most energetic self is invaluable for living a life that you love. Let’s do this together!
P.S. I love to hear from my readers! Drop me a line: stacey[at]sprintingspoon[dot]com